
Dangerous Adventure 2 Walkthrough part 4 - Enemy Stats and Skills

This is the template I’m using to show enemy stats:

Color Name Attack/HP/Speed
Immunities (if any)
Skills (if any)

Attack is the normal amount of damage the enemy inflicts, which can be modified by changing lines in formation. (+50% in front row, - 50% in back row)

HP is the max amount of HP the enemy has. Enemies start a battle with half HP from rear attacks, but could heal back up to their max HP.

Speed is the number of turns it takes for the enemy to attack, a speed of 1 means it attacks every turn.

The types and colors of enemies in the overworld are fixed. HP and attack of non-boss monster may vary depending on your level. Bosses (skull icons on the maps) always have fixed stats.

For active and passive skills, I'll also list how many turns they will last and how many skill icons will be added to the field each turn.

Enemy Skills
Enemy skills can be divided into four categories depending on how they work:
Active – skill icons will appear on the field next turn, and the effect of the skill only activates if you play the stones with the icons
Passive - skill icons will appear on the field next turn, and the effect of the skill only activates if the stones with icons remains on the field at the end of that turn
Instant – the skill takes effect immediately
Field Change - the skill changes part of the field at the beginning of the next turn

Bosses usually have unique traits in addition to regular enemy skills.

A few enemy skills could use some more explanation:

There are two types of stun skills, one stuns a hero until he does the amount of “damage” in parenthesis, the other simply stuns for 1 turn.

Adds an extra “life” to the enemy shielded, the “HP” of which can be reduced by normal attacks according to the shield’s color. Always blocks full damage. i.e. If an enemy has 10 "HP" left on its shield, dealing 100 damage to it will still only destroy the shield without hurting the enemy.

Attacks from tamed monster, damaging skills, poison and bleeding are not affected by shields.
An enemy can only have one shield active at a time.

The frozen stone still gives power when played despite what the game says. It just won’t disappear and will fall if the stones supporting it are gone.

Item Stealing
Items are only stolen from your 5-slot inventory, the order in which they are stolen is random. Items in the “back log” are safe.

Enemy damage boosting skills
Multiple damage boosts stack additively, attack bonus is always rounded down. The enemy’s attack remain boosted until it attacks, then it would return to normal.

Hero attack penalty
Multiple penalties do not stack. The new Attack Multiplier is always rounded down. Penalty lasts until the hero’s next attack, then it would return to normal.

Hero mana gain penalty
Multiple penalties do not stack. Lasts one turn.

Fun fact: It's possible for the enemy to run out of space to add skill icons.

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