
Dangerous Adventure 2 Walkthrough part 3 - Meals

Meals are unlocked after completing the main quest of Map 3, but ingredients are dropped right from the beginning. All meal effects apply to your whole team and effects of the same type stack additively. The only way to get rid of an equiped meal is waiting for its duration to expire. Meal duration persists between maps, in fact, it will remain equiped even when a hero is kicked from the party. You may also sell meals to Gourmet in the tavern.

Hovering the cursor over meals to check their effects and durations.

You can obtain some recipes from drops, but it is much more efficient to trade ingredients for them with the goblin in Area 1, Map 3. He will trade each recipe for 2 of each ingredient used in it. There are 38 of them altogether.

1. Spider Legs in Honey
Ingredients: Spider Legs + Honey
Effect: Restores 4 health every turn
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 50 gold

2. Bat Soup
Ingredients: Bat Wing + Spice
Effect: Adds 10% magic power, lasts 4 battles
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 100 gold

3. Fragrant Soup
Ingredients: Spider Legs + Dryad Flower
Effect: Gives 50 mana at the beginning of the battle
Duration: 2 battles
Selling Price: 110 gold

4. Mushroom Soup
Ingredients: Meat + Mushroom
Effect: Deals 2 damage to you heroes every move
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 200 gold

5. Ghost Brew
Ingredients: Ghostly Protoplasm + Mushroom
Effect: Gives 70 mana at the beginning of the battle
Duration: 1 battle
Selling Price: 150 gold

6. Meat Sandwich
Ingredients: Meat + Cracker
Effect: Restores 6 health every turn
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 150 gold

7. Muddy Soup
Ingredients: Dried Fish + Slime
Effect: Adds 15% magic power
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 150 gold

8. Meat Chips
Ingredients: Jerked Beef + Cracker
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 4
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 100 gold

9. Fried Noodles Maski
Ingredients: Mosquito Leg + Spice
Effect: Restores 10 health every turn
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 200 gold

10. Alchemical Fish Soup
Ingredients: Carp + Alchemist Pepper
Effect: Adds 20% magic power
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 200 gold

11. Forest Magic Fish
Ingredients: Magic Fish + Dryad Flower
Effect: Gives 80 mana at the beginning of the battle
Duration: 2 battles
Selling Price: 200 gold

12. Smoked Wing
Ingredients: Bat Wing + Alchemist Pepper
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 6
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 200 gold

13. Pottage
Ingredients: Jerked Beef + Alchemist Pepper
Effect: Decreases attack of all heroes by 7
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 600 gold

14. Cheese Soup
Ingredients: Meat + Cheese
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 10
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 400 gold

15. Baked Carp
Ingredients: Carp + Cheese
Effect: Restore 20 health every turn
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 400 gold

16. Mosquito Fondue
Ingredients: Mosquito Leg + Cheese
Effect: Adds 30% magic power,
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 400 gold

17. Dryad Catfish
Ingredients: Catfish + Dryad Flower
Effect: Decreases 10% magic power,
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 600 gold

18. Cheese Worm
Ingredients: Worm + Cheese
Effect: Deals 10 damage to you heroes every move
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 700 gold

19. Mighty Decoction
Ingredients: Ghostly Protoplasm + Tusk
Effect: Adds 35% magic power
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 500 gold

20. Forest Sandwich
Ingredients: Dryad Bark + Mushroom
Effect: Decreases attack of all heroes by 10
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 700 gold

21. Dryad Fish Soup
Ingredients: Dried Fish + Dryad Leaves
Effect: Restores 25 health every turn
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 500 gold

22. Magic Bouillon
Ingredients: Magic Fish + Spice
Effect: Gives 100 mana at the beginning of the battle
Duration: 2 battles
Selling Price: 500 gold

23. Fish in Aspic
Ingredients: Catfish + Slime
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 12
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 500 gold

24. Slime Soup
Ingredients: Jerked Beef + Slime
Effect: Decreases attack of all heroes by 10
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 800 gold

25. Worm Pottage
Ingredients: Worm + Spice
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 14
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 600 gold

26. Catchemist
Ingredients: Catfish + Alchemist Pepper
Effect: Decreases 20% magic power
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 800 gold

27. Magic Carp
Ingredients: Carp + Amanita
Effect: Adds 40% magic power,
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 700 gold

28. Bony Fish
Ingredients: Magic Fish + Tusk
Effect: Gives 140 mana at the beginning of the battle
Duration: 2 battles
Selling Price: 700 gold

29. Tusk Beef
Ingredients: Jerked Beef + Tusk
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 16
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 700 gold

30. Ghostly Amanita
Ingredients: Ghostly Protoplasm + Amanita
Effect: Decrease 30% magic power
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 900 gold

31. Dryad Cookies
Ingredients: Dryad Bark + Honey
Effect: Gives 160 mana at the beginning of the battle
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 800 gold

32. Amanita Worm
Ingredients: Worm + Amanita
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 20
Duration: 2 battles
Selling Price: 800 gold

33. Dr. Worm
Ingredients: Worm + Amanita
Effect: Restores 30 health every turn
Duration: 3 battles
Selling Price: 800 gold

34. Dead Soup
Ingredients: Dead Dragon Meat + Slime
Effect: Deals 10 damage to you heroes every move
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: N/A, unlocks Secret Boss

35. Fried Giant Frog Leg
Ingredients: Giant Frog Leg + Tusk
Effect: Decrease attack of all heroes by 10
Duration: 4 battles
Selling Price: 800 gold

36. Steak of Nature
Ingredients: Nature Dragon Meat + Dryad Flower
Effect: Restores 50 health every turn
Duration: 10 battles
Selling Price: 1000 gold

37. Watery Steak
Ingredients: Water Dragon Meat+ Spice
Effect: Adds 60% magic power
Duration: 10 battles
Selling Price: 900 gold

38. Fire Soup
Ingredients: Fire Dragon Meat + Tusk
Effect: Increases attack of all heroes by 40
Duration: 10 battles
Selling Price: 1200 gold

Wish cooking in real life is this easy.

You can manually select ingredients and cooking utensils, but it is easier to just select the recipe and start cooking. Try to click “cook” when the arrow is on the red part of the gauge for best quality. The quality affects the meal’s effectiveness but not its duration:

91% or above – Good, 100% of the listed effect, Gourmet will pay 100% of its selling price
70-90% - Normal, 70% of the listed effect, Gourmet will pay 70% of its selling price
31-70% - Bad, 25% of the listed effect, Gourmet will pay 30% of its selling price
0-30% - instead of having even poorer effects, the meal becomes Strange Food, which has a random effect and Gourmet will not pay for it.

Meal quality can go over 100%, but it does not bestow any additional benefit.
Meals with negative effects will have less penalty when poorly cooked, not that you would actually use them.
Badly cooked meals with negative effects can turn into Strange Food with positive effect, just don’t count on it.

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