
Dangerous Adventure 2 Walkthrough part 7 - Secret Boss (Spoiler Alert!)

The secret boss is unlocked by selling Dead Soup (or all “bad” food?) to the Gourmet. Instead of paying you, he runs away, turns into a mutant and tries to eat you. Unlocking the battle adds 4% to your game progress.

Why does he run to the forest instead of fighting you right there in the tavern?

Red Gourmet 122/8000/1
Immunities: Poison, Direct Damage, Change Line

He uses his skills in a 4-turn cycle:

1 – active, 1 turn, 6 stones, steals 1 item each
2 – instant, reduces 200 mana of all colors
3 – field change, destroys all Blue stones
4 - instant, heals himself 800 HP

after which the cycle starts again

There’s no limit to how many times you can fight him if you’re defeated. But once you win he’ll be gone for good.

