
Dangerous Adventure 2 Walkthrough part 8 - Understanding some Game Mechanics

Action Priorities
Tamed monsters attacks and active skills act instantly

Your passive healing skills → Enemy passive damage skills
The good news is that you can heal before the enemy passives can kill you, the downside is that you won’t have full HP when the enemies’ normal attack hit.

Your passive damage skills → Enemy passive healing skills → your normal attack → poison/bleeding →enemy normal attack

The characters (heroes or enemies) always act from top to bottom. So if your Blue and Red heroes hit hard enough to kill a Purple monster, your Purple hero doesn’t have to attack it, and you can make better use of the move.

It also means killing an enemy attack booster on the top is really important as you will have to face up to four boosted attacks right away. If the attack booster acts last, you’ll only have to worry about boosted enemy attacks next turn.

Damage calculation
Damage is simply your Attack Multiplier times the number of matching colored stones played. Adjacent color do only half damage (rounded down). Adjacent colors modifier stacks multiplicatively with front/back row modifier. i.e. adjacent color does 75% damage to enemy in the front row and 25% to enemy in the back row.

Power calculation
The amount of mana a hero gets is equal to the Power Multiplier (PM), which shows up when you hover your cursor on a character during battle, times the number of matching colored stones played. A character’s PM is calculated by dividing the Power Percentage (PP) on the character stats screen by 20, rounded up.

Example 1:
A Wizard with 285% PP will have a PM of 15.
Since 285/20 = 14.25, which is 15 after rounding up.

Example 2, consider this situation:

The sword is obviously inferior to the dagger. But is the 6 attack from the scimitar a worthwhile trade-off for 5% power from the dagger? Let’s do a little calculation to find out.

PM with dagger: (186 + 25)/20 = 10.55, rounds up to 11
PM with scimitar: (186 + 20)/20 = 10.3, rounds up to 11

It turns out there’s no trade-off in this case, the scimitar is objective a better choice since it hits harder and gives the same amount of mana.

Also, the power increasing effect of meals apply to the PP instead of the original PM. So in the case of 60% power boost, the Wizard in example 1 will have a new PM of:

(285 x 1.6)/20 = 22.8, rounds up to 23 instead of
15 x 1.6 = 24

If you run away from a battle, power gained in that battle by playing stones will be lost. But power gained by meals and potions will not be lost. Used power and lost HP will not be recovered, and meal duration will still decrease. There are also several bosses that require restarting the map for a re-match if you run. (Blue Dragon, Acolyte Master, Yellow Dragon)

